Friday, December 5, 2008


Gone, But Never Forgotten

The rock of my family. My Uhr Oma. My great grandma. Her once majestic looks were subdued by time. Her amber skin was aged. The delicacy and grace of her walk was no longer apparent. Each wrinkle in her face signified some kind of account. She smelled of coffee and perfume. Her long cords of hair always went astray. Her ebony eyes were softened with knowledge. She was always there for my family. Her love transcended generations. She was dirt poor, yet she still had enough to give her daughter a nickel to spend so she might escape the anguish and realities of being poor. We would spend hours together playing games like Mensch aerger dich nich or sorry. She saved my mother from the brutalities of foster care. When I woke up, I knew a cup of hot chocolate would be sitting on my night stand. She kept her family together during the world war. A woman of valor. We would go for long walks in the forest. The crisp air filled my lungs. Not yet tainted and despoiled by the carelessness of man. We would sometimes walk in utter silence. Not due to the lack of words. But merely to enjoy God’s creation. We were mesmerized by its beauty. I could hear the bird’s mating calls. The echo of branches crackling beneath my hard step. The rock of my family. Every time I would leave her embrace, my body began to quiver and tears would come streaming down my face. A lot can happen in a year. I always knew that this may be my last hug.

Quiver- verb- to shake with a slight but rapid motion; vibrate tremulously; tremble.
valor–noun- boldness or determination in facing great danger
Delicacy- noun-extreme sensitivity; precision of action or operation; minute accuracy
Ebony : adjective -of a deep, lustrous black.
Majestic- adjective-of lofty dignity or imposing aspect
Anguish-noun- excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain
Amber: adjective- golden, yellowish-brown
Mesmerized: verb- to spellbind; fascinate.
Despoiled :verb-To deprive of something valuable by force
Brutalities: noun- The state or quality of being ruthless, cruel, harsh, or unrelenting.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

the imagery of the forest and the way you have it linked to your grandmother works really well. it is very nice, and i love the way you portrayed her. She seems incredibly present in this memory snapshot. excellent job. - elmeer