Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dove- Evolution Commercial

The sender of the commercial is DOVE. The commercial has two objectives: to spread their campaign for self-esteem, as well as market their product. It is proven that companies which are active in their communities, such as Tupperware and DOVE, have more loyal consumers than those who just sell their merchandise. This method allows consumers to see that DOVE has their best interests in mind; therefore, they are more inclined to buy DOVE products. As one of their main consumers, DOVE is directing this ad to women. This proves to be a marketing tool, as the company depicts women the consumers can identify with. This campaign was a direct response to the issue of women’s lack of self-esteem. The campaign’s statistics show that only two percent of women worldwide would describe themselves as beautiful.

The main character of the commercial is first seen in the dark, with all of her blemishes left unseen. Moments later, she nods her head as to say that she was ready to enlighten the media of the fictitious beauty portrayed by most advertisements. The woman is then depicted as her looks evolve due to artificial means. After a large amount of makeup was applied to her face, Photoshop was used to fix the other traits in her face that were viewed as imperfect. Her mouth and eyes were enlarged, her neck was lengthened, and her face was made more defined, which are all characteristics of a stereotypical beautiful woman. After countless alterations were made to her appearance, the final product was posted on a billboard as an ad for a beauty product.

The absence of language allows the viewer to focus on the evolution taking place before them. The only noises present are the contrasting sounds of fast paced music and the muttered sounds in the background. The commercial concludes with the line, “No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted.” This is referring to societies need for perfection. People use any means possible to get the look that is projected by the media. The commercial reveals that nobody truly looks like the models depicted in ads. The commercial is entitled “evolution,” referring to society’s gradual limiting definition of beauty. This message is attempting to counteract our view of beauty as it breaks stereotypes. Dove’s Self-Esteem Fund states they try to “create thought-provoking ads, confidence-building programs and messages that embrace all definitions of beauty.” This commercial calls for people to take part in the Dove real beauty workshops for girls, manipulating their emotions to help those young women who are feeling the pressure to look a certain way. The viewers feel inclined to help those millions of girls who have the right to feel beautiful in their own skin, and face the world with confidence.
